Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Green Fashion a la Stella McCartney

Here's my new column for Freeze Magazine about eco-friendly fashion... I'm working on a larger product of a sort of guidebook for Harvard entrepenuers outlining the benefits of sustainability when creating a business, and fashion obviously had to be a large component...

I also went to a forum for writers last night at our Office of Career Services and all the panelists talked about the importance of blogging, so perhaps I'll start trying to get this blog out there more...

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading now.... I forgot there was a new "address" for this blog and I kept checking back at the old one. I liked the article. Looking forward to seeing the whole handbook you're putting together. Everybody doing their own part -- that's what is going to make it all work out in this slowly-accepting-it-greening-up-world we live in. Bravo!
